IParl-Research Colloquium
Our colloquium meetings are primarily conceived as a forum for the exchange of ideas and serve to discuss ongoing and completed research projects on topics of parliamentarism and "related" areas such as party or electoral research.
Researchers as well as people with an interest in parliamentarianism are cordially invited to present their research projects or results, scientific qualification theses or project ideas with practical relevance and to discuss them with us. Master's students and doctoral candidates are also expressly invited. The presentations can be given in German or English.
The colloquium takes place on Thursdays from 10:30 to 12:30 in the IParl and hybrid on request. If you are interested, please write an email with a few words about your topic to kolloquium@iparl.de.
17/04/2025, 10:30 - 12:30
- Autonomy and Constraints: Political communication by parliamentary staff in Scotland and Catalonia, Presentation of a research project by Sebastian Ludwicki-Ziegler (University of Stirling) and Andreu Paneque (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
29/05/2025, 10:30 - 12:30
- Gesetzgebungsverfahren als eine der Voraussetzungen für gute Rechtsetzung, Presentation of the dissertation project by Nino Kapanadze (Tbilisi State University)
20 October 2022, 11 am - 1pm
- On the Outskirts of the French Parliament: The Delegation for Women’s Rights, presentation of the dissertation by Dr Claire Bloquet (IParl)
3 November 2022, 11am - 12pm
- District Work of German MPs during COVID-19, presentation of the master thesis by Kevin Settles (IParl)
10 November 2022, 10am - 12pm
- What do parliaments do to Social Sciences? A comparative analysis, Presentation of a research project by Lise Moawad (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
1 December 2022, 10am - 12pm
- Groupwork, Teamwork and Solo-Effort: Approaches of Parliamentarians towards Political Communication and the Relevance of Trust, presentation of the dissertation by Sebastian Ludwicki-Ziegler (University of Stirling)
19 January 2023, 10am - 12pm
- Candidacies in the Multi-level System. CandiData-idea, Status quo and Next Steps, Presentation of a research project by Daniel Hellmann and Dr. Danny Schindler (IParl)
23 February 2023, 10am - 12pm
- The changing functions of parliamentary committees: locating and evaluating ‘evidence’ by select committees in the UK House of Commons, Presentation of the results of a research project by Dr Marc Geddes (University of Edinburgh)
6 April 2023, 10am - 12pm
- So close but still too far away from Power? A Longitudinal Analysis of Women in Top Positions in the European Parliament (1994- 2019), Presentation of PhD project by Sophie Kopsch (Université de Namur)
4 May 2023, 10am - 12pm
- Hostile or Consensual? A Comparative Study of Personal Attacks and Positive Self-Reference in Exchances between the Conservatives and the SNP in the Prime Minister´s Questions and First Minister´s Questions, Presentation of a research project by Sebastian Ludwicki-Ziegler (University of Stirling)
8 June 2023, 10am - 12pm
- How Many Parliamentary Roles and Who Gets to Play What? A Latent Class Analysis of Backbench Activity and Fictitious
Prediction of Role Incumbency in the UK House of Commons, 2001-2019, Presentation of a research project by Dr. Stephen Holden Bates (University of Birmingham)
7 September 2023, 10am - 12pm
- Zu jung für ein Mandat? Über die deskriptive Unterrepräsentation junger Menschen im Deutschen Bundestag, presentation of the master thesis by Natalie Gatzka (Universität Bonn)
12 October 2023, 10am - 11am
- Parteiwatch-Projekt: Untersuchung zum Prozess der Kandidat*innen-Selektion bei der Aufstellung von Landeslisten, presentation of a research project by Eltje Kunze and Helen Neitemeier (Wir für Demokratie e.V.)
16 November 2023, 10am - 12pm
- The Role of Parliaments in Southeast Europe in Upholding and Challenging Democracy in the Face of Autocratization, presentation of a research project by Venelin Bochev (Université libre de Bruxelles)
23 November 2023, 10am - 12pm
- Locating and comparing ‘cultures of evidence’ in the UK and German Parliaments, presentation of a research project by Dr Marc Geddes (University of Edinburgh)
30 November 2023, 10am - 12pm
- Economic and Political Inequality: Does Wealth affect the Process Preferences of MPs and Citizens?, presentation of a research project by Dr Lars Vogel (Universität Leipzig)
14 December 2022, 10am - 12pm
- European Representation in EU National Parliaments, presentation of the dissertation by Dr Lucy Kinski (Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies)
18 January 2024, 10am - 12pm
- Age Representation in Parliaments on the Party Level: Introducing a New Dataset, presentation of a research project by Kira Renée Kurz (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
8 February 2024, 10am - 12pm
- Zerreißprobe für die Demokratie oder Repräsentation neu gedacht? Rollenwandel und Rollenkonflikte von Abgeordneten in Zeiten von Wandel- und Transformationsprozessen, presentation of a dissertation project by Lukas Heubeck (Universität Wien)
12 September 2024, 10am - 12pm
Individuelle Fragen an die Programme der Parteien: Das KI-Tool Wahl-O-GPT, Presentation of the tool by Felix Wortmann Callejón (Bernstein Group)
10 October 2024, 10am - 12pm
Eine neue Form der interparlamentarischen Zusammenarbeit: Prozessanalyse zur Gründung der Deutsch-Französischen Parlamentarischen Versammlung, Presentation of the PhD project by Henriette Heimbach (Universität Luxemburg)
14 November 2024, 10am - 12pm
- Decoding Discourse: Gender Dyanmics in German Bundestag Debates (1949-2021), Presentation of a research project by Teresa Christina Hailer (Universität Heidelberg)
9 January 2025, 10:00 - 12:00 am
Kontrollinstanz oder verlängerter Arm der Regierung? Die Entscheidungen zu Afghanistan im Deutschen Bundestag zwischen 2001 und 2014, Presentation of the dissertation project by Florentin Siegert (Universität Potsdam)
16 January 2025, 10:30 - 12:30 am
Sollen oder wollen Frauen nicht? Eine parteivergleichende Untersuchung der Aspirantinnen und Direktkandidatinnen zur Bundestagswahl 2025, Presentation of the dissertation project by Maura Kratz (Freie Universität Berlin)
13 February 2025, 10:30 - 12:30
- Roll call votes in the committees of the European Parliament, Presentation of the dissertation by Moritz Wiesenthal (Speaker at the Lower Saxony State Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development)