Previous Events

Constitutionalizing dissent. The universe of opposition rules in African constitutions 

Paper presentation by Dr. Danny Schindler in the panel "Parliamentary Support, Parliamentary Development and Legislative Strengthening" within the 27th World Congress of Political Science of IPSA, Buenos Aires


Parliaments in De Facto States – Merely a rubberstamp or engine of conflict resolution? 

Paper presentation by Oliver Kannenberg at the panel "Parliamentary Support, Parliamentary Development and Legislative Strengthening" within the 27th World Congress of Political Science of IPSA, Buenos Aires


Parliaments and Crises around the Globe: Effects and Consequences Compared 

Panel participation as discussant by Oliver Kannenberg within the 27th World Congress of Political Science der IPSA, Buenos Aires

What data on senators tell us about representation in second chambers? 

Paper presentation by Dr. Claire Bloquet and Dr. Franziska Carstensen within the 8th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Vienna


Better poll workers, better performance? The case of poll worker recruitment, training and team composition in Germany 

Presentation by Daniel Hellmann within the Electoral Integrity Project's 3rd Annual Virtual Conference


What data on senators can tell us about representation in second chambers 

Presentation by Dr. Franziska Carstensen within the panel "Representation, democratic culture and public perception" at the Tag der Parlamentarismusforschung (Day of Parliamentary Research), organized by the parliamentary administration Austria, Vienna


What do parliaments know? Advancing the study of science, knowledge and parliaments 

Keynote speech by Dr. Marc Geddes at the Tag der Parlamentsforschung (Day of Research on Parliaments), organized by the parliamentary administration Austria, Vienna


How Many Parliamentary Roles and Who Gets to Play What? A Latent Class Analysis of Backbench Activity and Fictitious Prediction of Role Incumbency in the UK House of Commons, 2001-2019 

Presentation of the research project by Dr. Stephen Holden Bates (University of Birmingham)   at the IParl Research colloquium, Berlin


On the Outskirts of Parliament: the Delegation for Women’s Rights 

Online-Seminar and discussion of Dr C. Bloquets PhD, organized by the AK Politikwissenschaft Bamberg


Hostile or Consensual? A Comparative Study of Personal Attacks and Positive Self-Reference in Exchanges between the Conservatives and the SNP in the Prime Minister’s Questions and First Minister’s Questions 

Presentation of the research project by Sebastian Ludwicki-Ziegler (University of Stirling)  at the IParl Research colloquium, Berlin.