Roll call votes in the committees of the European Parliament
Presentation of the dissertation by Moritz Wiesenthal (Speaker at the Lower Saxony State Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development) at the IParl Colloquium, Berlin.
Croatia after the super election year 2024 – Three time’s a vote but more of the same?
Panel discussion moderated by Oliver Kannenberg, organized by the Centre for Southeast European Studies (Graz), hybrid event
Sollen oder wollen Frauen nicht? Eine parteivergleichende Untersuchung der Aspirantinnen und Direktkandidatinnen zur Bundestagswahl 2025
Presentation of the dissertation project by Maura Kratz (Freie Universität Berlin) at the IParl Research colloquium, Berlin.
Kontrollinstanz oder verlängerter Arm der Regierung? Die Entscheidungen zu Afghanistan im Deutschen Bundestag zwischen 2001 und 2014
Presentation of the dissertation project by Florentin Siegert (Universität Potsdam) at the IParl Research colloquium, Berlin.
Decoding Discourse: Gender Dyanmics in German Bundestag Debates (1949-2021)
Presentation of a research project by Teresa Christina Hailer (Universität Heidelberg) at the IParl Research colloquium, Berlin
Weakening the opposition through recall rules: The case of Zimbabwe in comparative perspective
Paper presentation by Dr. Danny Schindler in the Panel "Sidelined, Bypassed or Empowered?! – Resilience of Parliaments in Hybrid Regimes" within the ECPR General Conference 2024, University College Dublin.
Now, you're just somebody that I used to know – Parliamentary party switching in multi-level Germany
Paper presentation by Oliver Kannenberg as part of the NoPSA 2024 XX Nordic Political Science Congress, Bergen (Norwegen).
Members of the German Bundesrat: Do they represent?
Keynote Speech by Prof. Dr. Franziska Carstensen within the panel "Bicameralism and Subnational Level of Representation" at the 3rd Global Conference on Parliamentary Studies, Charles University, Prague.
From Pixels to Policies - a Cross-Country Exploration of Digital Engagement and Political Action
Das Rollenverständnis kommunaler Mandatsträger:innen (RKOM)
presentation of the teaching research project of the Master's programme "Public Administration" at the University of Kassel by Dr Nadin Fromm (University of Kassel) and Kevin Settles (IParl)