Current News

Official logo of the organizer (Picture: SWUD)

Dr. Benjamin Höhne and Daniel Hellmann from the IParl presented on the 17th April 2018 in Kiel current results of the research project on candidate selection for the German Parliamentary Elections of 2017.

Graduate Conference on Party Research in Düsseldorf (Picture: IParl)

The ninth Graduate Conference on Party Research in Düsseldorf took place from 2nd to 3rd February 2018. It gives interested doctoral candidates in Party Research an international platform for their research.

Prof. Dr. Patrick Wagner (Picture: IParl)

With the lecture of Patrick Wagner, professor for contemporary history at Martin Luther University, the lecture series about "Populism and Democracy" came to an end.

Poster of the public lecture "Populism and Democracy"

The lecture series is organized in cooperation with IParl. Every Wednesday in the winter term 2017/2018, 6p.m. - 8 p.m., Melanchthonianum, room XV.

Conference venue Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing (Picture: Akademie für Politische Bildung)

The Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing invited for an analysis of the German federal election 2017. The IParl attended this conference - a report.

IParl Map (Picture: Markus Scholz)

   |   by Matthias Koch

The weekly in-house newspaper of the German Bundestag (Das Parlament) reported on the results of IParl’s research project in the paper’s special issue about the Parliamentary Election in Germany.

Höhne/Hellmann_Die freien Demokraten

   |   by Matthias Koch

Benjamin Höhne and Daniel Hellmann analyze in a study the "new" FDP before the German Parliamentary Elections 2017. It is to expect that the liberals will be part of the German Bundestag again.


Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, Issue 2/2017

   |   by Matthias Koch

In the latest issue of the "Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen" (ZParl) Anastasia Pyschny and Daniel Hellmann discuss the question under which conditions a constituency is safe for a party.


Koschmieder_Parteien, Parteiensysteme und politische Orientierungen

   |   by Matthias Koch

Dr. Benjamin Höhne analyses in an essay, published by Springer, the personnel management before the German Parliamentary Elections 2017.


Assembly of the Green Party in Augsburg (Picture: Claudia Illi)

   |   by Matthias Koch

If no candidate has a majority after the third vote, a decision will be made based on chance. For the Green Party in Bavaria, this came in the form of a coin-toss. In addition to this relatively rare spectacle, the party list convention in Augsburg on the 9th and 10th of December brought a few other surprises as well.