IParl Spring Academy 2023
by KS

The Institute for Parliamentary Research (IParl) will hold its first Berlin Spring Academy on Parliamentarism from 13 to 19 March next year. With this offer, the IParl would like to support young academics (advanced students or doctoral candidates) focusing on parliamentarism, parliamentarians and party research.
During the one-week conference programme, the content and methods of parliamentary research are conveyed in a practical way. In addition to a round of talks with parliamentary practitioners and visits to the Bundestag and Bundesrat, all participants will gain concrete insights into the work of members of the Bundestag during a "district day". In addition, proven parliamentary experts will offer learning units on the following topics:
Representation and Parliamentarism Part I: Theoretical Foundations (Prof. Dr. Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer)
Representation and Parliamentarism Part II: Empirical Research Methods (Prof. Dr. Werner J. Patzelt)
Parliamentary and Constitutional Law in Germany and in Comparison (Thomas Hadamek, MinR, Deutscher Bundestag)
Parliamentarism: Outlines of its History (Prof. Dr. Jörg-Detlef Kühne)
Parliamentary Functions, Structures and Processes in International Comparison (Dr. Michael Kolkmann)
Parliaments and Crises (PD Dr. Sven Siefken)
Young researchers will also be given the opportunity to present their completed or ongoing research on the topics mentioned above to an interested and knowledgeable audience in the form of a 20-minute lecture.
To participate, please send your presentation proposal, including a brief description of your motivation, previous experience and activities in the field of parliamentary research, to akademie@iparl.de by 15 December 2022. 15 participants will be selected for the conference and informed of their acceptance by 15 January 2023.
Participation fee: 200 euros
The participation fee includes the costs for accommodation, breakfast and lunch. Accommodation in single rooms is at the conference venue in the European Academy Berlin. Travel expenses cannot be reimbursed.